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Favorite Threads

Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry if this post is in the wrong post couldnt think of a place to put it.

If I like a particular thread where do I save it or easily refer to it? Otherwise its just gets lost in the abyss of my mind :smile:
Well, this is what I do -

I've set up a file in Word called "Copy Into Cephs" which resides at the top level of my Documents folder. Whenever I see something on Tonmo that I don't want to forget, I copy the text and paste it into this folder, adding a title with the date, author, and a good description of the contents.

I've been doing this for years and it works well for me.

can't you just bookmark them in your web browser? (it's also useful to use the "make a topical subfolder of bookmarks" if your browser supports that. Firefox is a good browser for this sort of thing.)
Ahhh cheers Nancy an Monty will give both a bash actually since folder for easy reference and document for my ever increasing octo library!!!! :grin:


p.s. would be cool to have a mini sub-folder of your fav 20 posts or something wouldnt it...just reminded myself better get me bum in gear for the supporter buisness before I start wafflin more! :oops:
Scouse said:
Ahhh cheers Nancy an Monty will give both a bash actually since folder for easy reference and document for my ever increasing octo library!!!! :grin:


p.s. would be cool to have a mini sub-folder of your fav 20 posts or something wouldnt it...just reminded myself better get me bum in gear for the supporter buisness before I start wafflin more! :oops:

Actually, maybe it would be an interesting extra perk for Tony to arrange it so supporters got a "flag this article" button, and TONMO would store the list of threads they marked-- then there would be some extra value added for subscribing. On the other hand, maybe it's more magnanimous to suggest that it be implemented for all registered users... Then again, maybe it'd be a pain and Tony has better things to do.

Just thinkin'....
tonmo said:
Hey, did this info help anyone here? Want to make sure you know this feature is available! :cool2:

Yeah, I had forgotten about this. I think I chose some config option for "automatically subscribe to any thread you post to" thing, though, which I never really use, so I should probably turn that off and start using it to bookmark interesting threads (which don't seem to have that much overlap with the ones I post to... :roll: :tomato: -- it made sense when I only occasionally posted to the biology forums, but now that I've, er, gotten a bit more extroverted on TONMO...) Anyway, thanks for pointing it out!

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