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entymology at its best

Jan 3, 2006
hey guys here's something for you to munch on...

Contrary to popular belief the plural form of the word octopus is not octopi. It is octopodes. The misunderstanding is due to the origins of the word. octopus is not a latin word it is actually greek, therefore the ending isn't the common suffix -pi it is the greek suffix -odes. Entymologists now conclude that it is more proper to say octopuses than octopi because it is closer to the actual plural form of the word octopus (even though in my opinion it is just as construed as octopi). tell me what you think!
oceanbound said:
hey guys here's something for you to munch on...

Contrary to popular belief the plural form of the word octopus is not octopi. It is octopodes. The misunderstanding is due to the origins of the word. octopus is not a latin word it is actually greek, therefore the ending isn't the common suffix -pi it is the greek suffix -odes. Entymologists now conclude that it is more proper to say octopuses than octopi because it is closer to the actual plural form of the word octopus (even though in my opinion it is just as construed as octopi). tell me what you think!

It's in the TONMO FAQ... and search forums for "octopodes" for much discussion of this. Personally, I'm sticking with "octopuses," although I enjoy linguistic nitpicking as much as the next guy. Speaking of which: I think you mean "etymologist" unless this is a clever pun with "entomologist" talking about "bugs in linguistic usage."
entymology at its best

Doh! I thought you'd started a thread on the utterly fantastically worthy subject of insects for a second! We do have lots of images of insects in the Supporters section if anyone would like to join and contribute...
Phil said:
Doh! I thought you'd started a thread on the utterly fantastically worthy subject of insects for a second! We do have lots of images of insects in the Supporters section if anyone would like to join and contribute...

Come join us folks, we get some great discussions going in the supporters section. ANd it's such a worthwhile cause!

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