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Dental Floss with Your Lobster? (Non-Ceph)

Dec 24, 2002
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Ha, cool!! The packhorse 'crayfish' (actually lobsters, but don't get me started - and why is a new lobster immediately given the common name 'Yeti crab'?! :hmm: ) in NZ have similar (though much smaller) tufts of setae on their legs. When you dry a discarded molt, the tufts are actually quite soft. You can also see something similar on the mouthparts of this animal (different species).
Hey, I'm not knocking odd looking.....I love those unusual deep sea creatures they keep finding. And you're right, its pretty amazing how things are able to adapt :grin:
Tintenfisch said:
in NZ have similar (though muich smaller) tufts of setae on their legs. When you dry a discarded molt, the tufts are actually quite soft. You can also see somethindg similar on the mouthparts of this animal (different species).

Hey! You can see something similar on MY mouthparts too!
You rock, Kat.
That is all.

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