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'CephRef' - a new home for the 'Tree of Life' cephalopod information!


Staff member
Nov 19, 2002
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Hello TONMO community!

Depending on your particular flavour of cephalopod enthusiasm, you may be familiar with the ceph info hosted on the ageing 'Tree of Life' web pages, which are getting more and more patchy to access. We’re now building a new website, CephRef (see live demo site here) to provide a new, stable home for this information (updated, and with more; we are aiming to have identification tips, biological info, and images for every cephalopod species-- in particular we'd love to have better coverage for the octopuses).

We need your help! We’ve launched a GoFundMe page which will remain open across December to support the next development steps for CephRef. Please donate if you can – and please re-post / share to boost the signal! Thank you!

GoFundMe campaign: Donate to Support the CephRef Initiative, organized by Heather Judkins

Demo site: CEPH REF – A compendium of global cephalopod diversity and sample taxon pages for giant squid / Architeuthis dux, 'glass' squid genus Liocranchia, and family Enoploteuthidae (firefly squids and relatives).

Thanks, everyone, for any support you can provide.
- Kat & the CephRef team

CephRef Home Page Screenshot.png

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