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Cephalopod Book Lists


Staff member
Sep 4, 2006
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An attempt to keep a collection list of ceph books for easy reference. Please feel free to add books or publications (preferably with a where to find reference and review) on anything you would like available. I will add any new items to one of the lists with a primary link but leave additional posts for others to read.

Also see the Upcoming Presentations on Cephalopod Research thread for current papers and presentations.

Here is an existing thread with a bit of discussion on some of the books in the hobbyist list
Books for the Ceph Hobbyist

Cephalopods of Australia and Sub-Antarctic Territories 2016 Amanda Reid

Octopus 2014 Richard Schweid (review by Maria Browning)
"When you watch an octopus, an octopus watches you back," writes Schweid in the book's opening paragraph, and that image of the otherworldly creature as an intelligent being with a mind and will of its own is the one he clearly hopes readers will take away from "Octopus."

Suction Cup Dreams: An Octopus Anthology 2013 In this anthology are works by Camille Alexa, Brenda Anderson, T.E. Grau, Ives Hovanessian, Joe Jablonski, Jamie Lackey, Claude Lalumière, D. Thomas Minton, Karen Munro, Danna Joy Staaf ( @Danna ) , Elizabeth Twist, and Henry W. Ulrich. Each story is lovingly accompanied by an illustration by the talented Natasha Aldred. (ddw) and a great introduction by Christine Huffard (@mucktopus)

The Little Blue-Eyed Vampire from Hell 2012 Richard Ellis (Kindle only great introduction to cephs in general)

Octopus: The Ocean's Intelligent Invertebrate 2010 Jennifer A. Mather, Roland C. Anderson, James B. Wood (TONMO: Ceph)

Cephalopods: Octopuses and Cuttlefish for the Home Aquarium 2008 Colin Dunlop (TONMO: Colin) and Nancy King (TONMO: Nancy)

Invertebrate Medicine 2006 Gregory A. Lewbart

Cephalopods: A World Guide 2000 2nd Edition 2003 Mark Norman (Out of Print - hard to find, link is for reference only)

A Guide to Squid, Cuttlefish, Cuttlefish and Octopuses of Australasia 2000 Amanda Reid, Mark Norman (out of print but Kindle version available)

In Search of Nautilus 1988 Peter Douglas Ward - Great laymens book with well told vignettes of Nautilus biology discoveries - highly recommended - D

Cephalopods of the World: Squids, Cuttlefishies, Octopuses and Allies 1987 Kir N. Nesis, Lourdes A. Burgess (translated from Russian by B.S. Levitov)

Silent World 1953 Jacques Ives Cousteau, Frederic Dumas (easily found on eBay or new/used on Amazon).

Octopus and Squid - The Soft Intelligence 1973 Jacques Ives Cousteau, Philippe Diole (search for used copy)

Aquarium Notes: The Octopus or the Devil-Fish of Fiction and of Fact 1923 Henry Lee (also see TONMO post for possible free PDF)

Search for the Giant Squid 1998 Richard Ellis
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Scientific Books

Advances in Cephalopod Science: Biology, Ecology, Cultivation and Fisheries, Volume 67 (Advances in Marine Biology) 2014 by Erica Vidal (Editor)

Cephalopod Culture 2014
by José Iglesias (Editor), Lidia Fuentes (Editor), Roger Villanueva (Editor)

Field Guide to Squids and Octopods of the Eastern North Pacific and Bering Sea 2009 by Elaina M. Jorgensen

Cephalopods Present and Past: New Insights and Fresh Perspectives 2007
by Neil H. Landman (Editor), Richard Arnold Davis (Editor), Royal H. Mapes (Editor)

Invertebrate Medicine 2006 Gregory A. Lewbart

Cephalopods 2005 Peter Boyle and Paul Rodhouse

The Brains and Lives of Cephalopods 2003 Marion Nixon and John Z. Young

Cephalopod Behaviour 1998 Roger T. Hanlon and John B. Messenger

Cephalopod Neurobiology: Neuroscience Studies in Squid, Octopus, and Cuttlefish 1995 N. Joan Abbott, Roddy Williamson, Linda Maddock (Pricey - Oxford Science Publications)

Neuroecology and Neuroethology in Molluscs: The Interface between behaviour and Environment
2013 Editors: Anna Di Cosmo and William Winlow (Deptartment of Biology, University of Naples "FedericoII", Complesso Universitario Monte Sant'Angelo, Napoli, Italy and others

FAO (Fisheries and Aquaculture Department) Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date.
Vol1 Chambered Nautiluses and Sephoids (2005)
Vol2 Myopsid and Oegopsid Squids (2010)
Vol3 Octopods and Vampire Squids (2013)

The FAO link for Vol1 seems to have problems using an embedded link (but will open directly from FAO), the other two will work from here. You can go directly to the FAO site, click on Publications, click on Search and then type in cephalopods to obtain the linked list. The Vol 2 and Vol 3 links above will bring up the PDFs. There is a zipped version on the FAO site as well.

In search of nautilus: Three centuries of scientific adventures in the deep Pacific to capture a prehistoric, living fossil 1988 Peter Douglas Ward

Cephalopods of the World: Squids, Cuttlefishes, Octopuses, and Allies 1987
by Kir N. Nesis (Author), Lourdes A. Burgess (Editor), B. S. Levitov (Translator)
Books for Young People (see also Jana's Corner - Cephalopod Books for Kids)


Here There Be Monsters: The Legendary Kraken and the Giant Squid 2010 HP Newquist (age: 9+)

Octopuses and Squids (Undersea Encounters) 2006 Mary Jo Rhodes, David Hall (age: 7+)

Outside and Inside Giant Squid (Outside and Inside (Walker & Company)) 2005 Sandra Markle (age: 8+)

Tentacles!: Tales of the Giant Squid (Step into Reading) 2003 Shirley Raye Redmond (age: 5+)

Giant Squid: Mystery of the Deep (All Aboard Science Reader: Station Stop 2) 1999 Jennifer Dussling (age 6+


Sid the Squid: and the Search for the Perfect Job 2010 David Derrick (age 4+)
Cephalopod Fiction and Humor

Kraken 2010 China Mieville (not well reviewed but definitely about a preserved giant squid).

Lio: Happiness Is a Squishy Cephalopod 2007 Mark Tatulli

The Complete Works of HP Lovecraft 1917-1935 HP Lovecraft (free/donate PDF/Kindle/Nook file)

The Deep Range 1957 Arthur C. Clark (several format options, including Kindle and Audible) Astronaut turned deep sea warden captures a giant squid. Descriptions of animals and deep sea environment amazingly accurate considering the time of writing.
Coffee Table Photographic Collections

Nautilus: Beautiful Survivor: 500 Million Years of Evolutionary History 2016 Wolfgang Grulke Limited printing

Heteromorph: The Rarest Fossil Ammonites: Nature at its Most Bizarre 2014 Wolfgang Grulke Limited printing

Spineless: Portraits of Marine Invertebrates, the Backbone of Life 2014 Susan Middleton
Smithsonian Review
In Spineless, acclaimed photographer Susan Middleton explores the mysterious and surprising world of marine invertebrates, which represent more than 98 percent of the known animal species in the ocean.

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