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Ceph Fan from Virginia


Pygmy Octopus
Jun 19, 2005

My name is Wendy, I've recently decided to make cephalopods a hobby. I don't think I'll have too much first-hand experience, but I do enjoy reading about them, so any good books or links suggestions would be welcome. This site looks great, and I've checked out CephBase. For books, I've recently read Richard Ellis' Aquagenesis and In Search of the Giant Squid, and for Mother's Day I received Mike Norman's Cephalopods of the World.

I became interested in cephs, specifically giant squids, when I moved to the Washington, D.C. area and visited the squid exhibit in the Museum of Natural History. It's a sad-looking specimen, and I used to make a point of visiting it because, well, it looked lonely. :hmm: The National Aquarium in Washington (not the big one in Baltimore) is small, but has several nautiluses. N. pompilius, I think.

The NHM has sinced re-done that exhibit, btw. They have a taningia as well as A. dux. I'm hoping in the future to be able to at least visit aquaria in Australia, Hawaii, etc., to perhaps see some other species.

So here I am and will check back frequently.

:welcome: Wendy!!!

Envious of your being so close to a good musuem... we are somewhat limited out here!
Welcome Wendy. Nice to have you here.

Those are all great books, especially Mark Normans. Those photographs are fantastic. There is another great book out there, Kir Nesis's book "Cephalopods of the World" (1982). It is out of print and hard to find but you might be lucky. I've never found one at a reasonable price I could afford but keep I looking....

Welcome again,

Thanks for the welcomes. I do still try to visit the squid whenever I'm at the NHM. But my museum visits are down since I had a baby in Jan 04. He's a great trade, though. ;) I'll look for Kir Nesis' book as well; I've seen it mentioned in the books I've read.

I once crocheted a mini version of a giant squid, too. Unfortunately I didn't know my squid anatomy too well, and he only has one eye. I'll have to fix that. ;)

:welcome: Wendy....

Your post made me wonder if i ever posted those pics.... so here are the archi and tani....


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One thing i like even better is this fossil they have hanging on the wall in the spiral staircase hall....

if ive posted these before guys sorry....


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