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Baby Bimac now has a name!

We got our little bimacs from Fish Supply, and they were wild caught. I was told that they were shipped into Fish Supply in the same shipment as tropical fish and were not from the Southern California area.

We never really knew whether this fist generation of bimacs were real siblings, but since they seemed to come from the same place at about the same time, we agreed to assume they were brothers and sisters.

Last year we had eight bimac siblings.

Some of the eight died in various ways, and we didn't hear any more from a couple - we were eventually left with three: Ollie, Ink and Roxy.

I emailed Fish Supply day before yesterday asking about thier supplier and told them why I wanted to know. So far no reply. I ask the guy once before and all he would say was a local supplier. He seemed to avoid giving me a direct answer. Crevalle got his baby from fish supply the same day I did, so I'd say it's safe to assume his and my baby are siblings.


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