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[Article]: Giant Squid Fact Sheet


Staff member
May 30, 2000
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Dr. Steve O'Shea and Kat Bolstad (Tintenfisch) have provided their giant squid fact sheet, complete with photos, about different types of "giant squid". The MS Word document is 4.1 megabytes in size, but worth the download. It's replete with pictures and the introduction of the "colossal squid" and "giant warty squid". Thanks to these Steve and T for another great contribution!

Giant Squid Fact Sheet

Also, don't miss the ongoing discussions on these developments in the Physiology & Biology forum.
HELP - I can't download Fact Sheet!

Hey guys --

I've tried more than once to download the Fact Sheet, but AOHell keeps telling me it can't open a file in this format. (Oddly enough, the map downloads just fine.)

Tony, would it be possible for you to send me a copy in the text of an e-mail?

Many, many thanks in advance,
Tani :notworth:
For you, yes. :D Everyone else: try right-clicking the file link, and choosing "Save as..." -- it will download it to a file on your computer!

...Watch your inbox Tani...

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