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Anyone else seen League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?

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May 14, 2003
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I saw it tonight, hmmmm

Ceph bit - Nemo has one on his turban and I think there are some on the steering wheels of the Nautilus (or whatever the nautical term is).

Haven't read the comics, so I'm judging it purely as a film rather than an adaptation. Don't want to give stuff away, but action bits were good, script was not, some BIG holes in plot (due to time constraints?), too much to do in the time, entertaining overall.

Not as good as Pirates of the Caribbean, all praise to Depp, Lord of Ham (ref Phil).

LOEG doesn't come out in the UK till the autumn?? (BBC film site)

And there was a really noisy person in the cinema... :x

Haven't read the comics, so I'm judging it purely as a film rather than an adaptation

I haven't seen the film yet (not open in Aus yet) but I have read the comics, so there you go. Apparently they've changed the group dynamic around A LOT, making Quartermaine the leader of the group (to accommodate Sean Connery I suppose). In the comics, Mina is the nominal leader and her shall we say unusual attributes are downplayed much more. The comics try to maintain a more mysterious atmos.

The picture of "The Nautilus" on the promo posters is pretty disappointing. Just looks like a submarine with some cephy decoration on the nose. Oh well. :roll:
I saw i tonight, and i thought it was really good. The characters were very well developed and, but i do agree that the script was mediocre at best. and the cephs on Nimo were way cool.
I thought the Nautilus looked like a giant letter-opener, and it looked rather unstable.

Connery was in charge, although, he speech is getting worse!!! Couldn't understand some of it, and his wig looked obvious.
The Moog said:
I thought the Nautilus looked like a giant letter-opener, and it looked rather unstable.

funny....i wouldve said a box cutter :) anyone want to place bets on what percentage (50%+) that its us box office totals will fall?
WhiteKiboko said:
anyone want to place bets on what percentage (50%+) that its us box office totals will fall?

(Full disclosure: I have not seen the film.)

I'm sorely tempted to place a wager, WK. 50+ percentage points sounds right, though.

Could one of you fine people explain the logic (evil or otherwise) of sinking Venice? Why not simply wait?


Clem said:
Why not simply wait?

because that would not be dramatic....

da da da DUMMMMMMMM!

should there have been a 'b' on the end of that?
That Nautilus thing could never have turned a corner in one of those Venician waterways, utterly ridiculous, and I don't remember there being that many roads either.

I tend to really enjoy comic book movies.

LXG did many many things right and well. Beautifully shot, with lots of inspiration set decorations and atmosphere.

And then Mr Hyde showed up. But I got over that. And then Mr. Hyde turned back into Dr. Jekyl. And I really tried to forget about that. And then Mr. Hyde meets his nemisis at the end. And I couldn't wait for it to be over so I wouldn't have to watch it anymore.

I don't mind flawed movies if they have enough soul and inspiration to balance the flaws - Blade comes to mind. But Mr Hyde and Nemesis sucked balls.

On the other hand, I loved everything about Nemo. The Nautilis was simply fantastic. No, not realistic. But it was more realistic than the fabulous Mina Harker or Dorian Gray characters.

For me the real "sinker" of the flick wasn't the Nautilis. It was the Hyde fight near the end.

And a stupid, powerless, idiotic villian with no charisma or menace whatsoever.
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