Announcements from Dr. James B. Wood


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Site Owner
May 30, 2000
Here are two announcements from our friend Dr. James B. Wood. In his own words:

1) I will be accepting one intern this fall and I’d really like to have someone who is both a great student, good in the field and is also a cephalopod fanatic. More details are here:

2) I will be teaching Scientific Photography this August at BBSR and there are still spaces for a few additional students. More information about the class is here:
I wonder if such a position would complete a university's requirements for a co-op position? The university in question being Dalhousie, one that I believe Dr. Wood is well aquainted with. I'm just in first year now, but I'm planning on taking the co-op program, and that would definitely be a amazing work term. Thanks for posting, definitely something to consider for later.

The NSF-REU intern positions at BBSR and other institutions must go to American students (NSF is US govt. funding). There is no age limit I know of but you must be a student at a US university. Generally we select upperclassman (juniors and seniors) for these and other intern positions. As I mentioned to Tony, I’d much prefer to accept someone with a strong interest in field work on cephalopods. More details about this program are on the web BBSR web site.

The requirements at each University are different but I suspect that it would be possible to fulfill Dal’s co-op requirements with an internship at BBSR. I think the co-op program at Dal is a very good opportunity to gain hands on work experience.
You will need to check with the co-op program manager at Dal to be sure as each University is different. Right now there are almost a dozen Canadians on staff or visiting scientists here including at least three with graduate degrees from Dal. BBSR has a special but small pot of funds, CABBS funding, specifically for Canadian students and can support one Canadian summer intern a year. There are also small amounts of CABBS funds that can be used to support Canadians that take summer classes like Scientific Photography.

Each of the funded internships at BBSR have their own set of requirements which you must meet to have any chance of obtaining a position. Some students also apply to local funding sources, non-profits, opportunities through their university, etc to help support their internships.

All of these types of positions are very competitive but they are invaluable if you wish to continue studying marine biology/cephalopods into graduate school. It isn't so easy to find them but other institutions also offer internships. The experience gained during my NSF-REU internship at University of Hawaii, The Smithsonian Internship and my honors project at UF all helped me greatly in graduate school and beyond.
Right! Read about it on the website but forgot about the American citizen part. Oh well! Will just have t o look elsewhere. Thanks for all the info!

well, im in high school right now so this sounds a few years off but I am very interested in the position because I am extremely into field work with cephs. I snorkel and tidepool all of the local reefs and am very succesful in my finds, I think I would fit the spot for you once im in college.

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