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2005 Ceph Gifts!!!


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000
Ho! Ho! Ho! It's going to be a Merry Christmas!

My wife surprised me with a gift to FRAME two pieces of art sent to me by TONMO.com members in years past. In fact, one is Dr. Steve O'Shea's inking octopus, and another is from long-missing member lithographette (veronica). They are not ready in time for Christmas, however... but I will be picking them up later this week... will be sure to share with you when I get them!

In the meantime, here are two other things I got for Christmas (well OK, I picked them up for myself when I came across them while shopping...) Pic 3 is the back of the "Squidy" box.
I just moved my post from the Birthday & Holiday thread to this one -- thanks for starting it Carol! Merry Christmas!

That thing is cool.... what exactly is it?
Neat lamp and toys ! Haven't opened up much yet...did get Queen's classic album Jazz(with the poster:grin: ) and Shanlyn received a new wedding band...fun stuff so far, except for I ate waaaaaay too much turkey yesterday, still feel like I'm bloated, like a python after a water buffalo!
No ceph-specific gifts this year, but did score a DVD of The Dirty Dozen, among some other great gifts. Lee Marvin rules!
i did receive the complete calvin and hobbes, where cephs do occasionally appear - but not as frequently as the far side methinks...

Here's one of the two pieces of art that my wife had framed for me as a Christmas gift. The other will be ready on Saturday. This one is the Steve O'Shea painting. WAY too cool for any of us to handle, don't you think?


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