This was a 10g feeder tank to hold foods for an octopus for my 110g tank buuuut my 110 is holding fish for my mom temporarily and will probably keep me from having a large octo this year. So i took one of my cycled feeder tanks and tweaked it. And i know almost everyone who is opening this is planning on saying something about water quality in a 10g. the sand bed is at least 3 inches in most of the tank, ~20lbs of rock, and the kicker is a fluval canister filter rated for a 100g tank =]. It had been attached as an extra filter to my larger tank but im pretty sure my sump can handle the two fish without it lol. I'm guessing that adds 3-4 more gallons of water to the tank so i probably have about 10 actually gallons of water if you were to remove all the sand and rock and filter. I also plan on changing small amounts of water daily rather than a gallon every few days to help not sway water qualities all at once . sorry if the pictures dont post right, first ones ive done on here
I put a small pvc setup under the rocks im not really sure if thats something the octo will like, I haven't seen many of the pipe setups you guys have in your tanks.
Here is a shot of the lid, its plexiglass with a hinged door and lock
A shot of the tank in normal light, you can see shells and marbles I added hoping they will give it some amusement.
And here is a shot of the tank with no ambient light whatsoever
-is the red light too bright?
-should I add a sea star in with the octo my larger tank has a serpent star and brittle star, would they be bothered by the light?
-any other suggestions would be appreciated.
I put a small pvc setup under the rocks im not really sure if thats something the octo will like, I haven't seen many of the pipe setups you guys have in your tanks.
Here is a shot of the lid, its plexiglass with a hinged door and lock
A shot of the tank in normal light, you can see shells and marbles I added hoping they will give it some amusement.
And here is a shot of the tank with no ambient light whatsoever
-is the red light too bright?
-should I add a sea star in with the octo my larger tank has a serpent star and brittle star, would they be bothered by the light?
-any other suggestions would be appreciated.