
  1. Tom Hlavac

    4 GPO Encounters

    Off Canada’s Vancouver Island at Cottam Point (on the east coast of Vancouver Island north of Nanaimo). 3 were in their dens, and 1 was encountered in the open, very close to one of the occupied dens. The video starts with clips of various species on the way out to the point where the dens are...
  2. Tom Hlavac

    GPO Encounter February 18 2023

    This encounter occurred on February 18, 2023 near Nanoose, BC, Canada (of Vancouver Island's Salish Sea coast).
  3. Tom Hlavac

    Dive Report Cottam Point November 7 2017

  4. Tom Hlavac

    Dive Report Madrona Point October 30 2017

    Some clips from a dive at Madrona Point, BC, on October 30, 2017:

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