This is my first post on Tonmo. Ive been lurking on this website for years at this point but finally made an account recently. I a few months ago decided I want to make an attempt at my first cephalopod. Ive been keeping reef aquariums for over 2 years and would like to think im pretty good at...
Hello everyone! I've been binge-reading everyone's posts here for the last few years so it feels great to finally make a post of my own. My name's Hakim, I'm a 16yo and I live in Indonesia. Cephalopods have always been my favorite group of animals since ever, but it was only until a few years...
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I apologize if this is in the wrong section; just finding the New Thread button was quite a journey for me. I've been reading up on octopus care for a little while now and have decided to get one but I still have a few questions I was hoping I could get some help...
Being new to the saltwater side of the hobby I thought it would be great to post as I make way along to not only learning about keeping a marine tank but the steps as I work my way to finally owning my own cephalopod in the future. This will helpfully also be able for me to get tips from...
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