TONMOCON: The Biennial Cephalopod Conference

TONMOCON is the place where ceph heads congregate.
About TONMOCON and past events

Since 2005, every two years members and staff get together in a chosen city (usually near an aquarium or research center) for a day or two of intense cephalopod discussion and socializing.

It's open to everyone: students, hobbyists, professional biologists, and land-lubbers like me. Admittance fees vary per event. They are typically formatted as such:

-- Friday night: meet and greet at some bar or tavern
-- Saturday: full day of presentations according to a set agenda
-- Saturday night: some form of evening social gathering (e.g., back to the bar!)
-- Sunday: informal visits to local aquarium, zoo or lab

We call it TONMOCON, the biennial cephalopod conference, and we hope you can join the next one for a weekend of fun and learning! Meanwhile, check out the agendas of TONMOCONs gone by:

TONMOCON I, 2005: Monterey, CA

TONMOCON II, 2007: Sarasota, FL

TONMOCON III, 2009: Monterey, CA

TONMOCON IV, 2011: Washington D.C.

TONMOCON V, 2013: San Francisco, CA

TONMOCON VI, 2015: Sarasota, FL

TONMOCON VII, 2018: MBL at Woods Hole, MA, April 6-8, 2018

TONMOCON VIII: MBL at Woods Hole, MA, October 16-18, 2020 (postponed to '21 or '22)

...for more first-hand reports, photos, videos, presentations and more, check out our dedicated TONMOCON Forum.

--Tony Morelli, Founder, Webmaster

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