Things to Think About Before You Get An Octopus as a Pet
by Nancy King
Nancy is a member of the staff. Discuss cephalopods with her and fellow TONMOers in our Octopus Care forum.
Keeping an octopus is fun and interesting, but an octopus is not the easiest pet to own. You need...
by Colin Dunlop
Opening notes...
Since this article was originally written it has been necessary to rewrite parts of it. There have been significant advances within the hobby and cephalopod husbandry techniques are still evolving. It is certain to require more updates in the future but that's...
By Colin Dunlop - 2003
Discuss this article in our forums: Cuttlefish Care
When is a fish not a fish? Em... okay, er... em... It's not a funny joke, actually it's just a fact... cuttlefish are not fish!
Cuttlefish are much more closely related to garden slugs and snails than they are to fish...
By Nancy King
"Ollie", about 9 months old -- Photo by Nancy King
O. bimaculoidesis a medium sized octopus, reaching a mantle size of 7 inches (17.5cm) and arms to 23 inches (58cm). Some remain smaller than this. The bimac is not usually heavily textured and has several common...
By Colin Dunlop November 2003 (also appears in the February/March 2004, Issue - 16 of Marine World Magazine)
”The most commonly seen cephalopods for sale in the UK are octopuses, cuttlefish and nautiluses. Their husbandry is not too far removed from caring for any other marine species but...
By Nancy King
Nancy is a member of the staff -- you can discuss octopuses and more with her in our Cephalopod Care forums.
What is an octopus? It's a sea creature found in all oceans of the world, even in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctica. It lives in deep or shallow...
By Richard Ross (Thales), 2005
Image 1: Adult Sepia bandensis 'begging' for food. Head/body length about 4 inches. Photo, Richard Ross
Originally published in, republished here with permission from the author.
Why Cuttlesfish?
I may be biased. Ok, I am completely...
by Colin Dunlop
One of the most common emails that I receive starts along the lines of, "I have seen an octopus for sale in a pet shop. What do I need to keep it properly?"
Here is a list of some information and equipment needed for an octopus aquarium with links to sites where the...
By Jason Scott, first published at Practical Fishkeeping (PFK) Website -- Authorized for use at in 2003.
Over the past twenty-five years or so I have kept a wide range of strange and unusual marine species, everything from Sharks and Rays to Frogfish and Flying Gurnards. In this...
Do-it-yourself skimmer for your cephalopod tank
By: Lawfish - June 8, 2003
I would like to make several comments before I begin this article. First, I do not intend to represent that I invented this type of skimmer. I based the design upon a Skimmer which was built by a member of Reef Central...
By Richard Ross (Thales) - first appeared in Tropical Fish Hobbyist (TFH) Magazine in 2009. He welcomes discussion of this article in our Cuttlefish Care forum.
The dwarf cuttlefish, Sepia bandensis, is one of the coolest animals on the planet. It glides through the water like a little UFO...
Best practices in cephalopod transport
By Richard Ross (Thales)
Several people have recently asked how I ship cephs, so I thought I would write up what I do and stick it on the blog for posterity. I am hoping to ship some cephs in the next few weeks and if I do, I will try to update this...
By Carol Sauer (corw314)
Editor's Note: Carol created this article for Jersey Pets Magazine (Editor: Lisa A. Kelley). Lisa's Website can be visited at The article is slated to be published in their Jan/Feb issue. Thanks to Jersey Pets Magazine for spreading the good...
I'm writing this article to document the result of adding an octopus to an established fish tank. On April 15, 2009 I caught a batch of six newly hatched O. briareus from one of my commercial stone crab traps in Biscayne Bay Miami, Florida. All six juveniles were placed into a fully-stocked 125...
by Colin Dunlop - 2004
Ever since I became interested in keeping cephalopods as pets I have tried very hard to help out other people as much as I can. This has included answering questions on message boards and posting pictures wherever possible.
My original site, soon to be discontinued, was...
by Nancy King, January 2006
Three Years of Ceph Care
Looking back on the last three years of the Ceph Care Forum, I can see we've learned a lot and made progress in keeping our cephs well. I've had in mind for some time to write about how Ceph Care has evolved over these years and will make...
Richard Ross (Thales) welcomes discussion on this article in the Exotics and Rare Species forum.
Octopus chierchiae is a small rarely seen octopus from Panama/Nicaragua. I was able to obtain 3 animals, 2 male and 1 female, and was able to mate them and have had a successful brood and hatching...
by Tony Morelli (tonmo)
As a member of the TONMO community, unless you've been living under a rock... hmm, wait a minute... :octopus: ....let me start this again...
As a member of the TONMO community, you've probably heard about the story of Terrance the pet octopus, gifted to a...
Our house robot, @octobot (which is enabled by Chat-GPT4), has offered the following summary of @ACC4's journal for her pet bimac, Raccoon. The original journal and thread can be found here.
For those unacquainted with the nuanced world of octopus keeping, let's introduce Raccoon. She's a...
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